About Us

Welcome to Optics Ocean – a website dedicated to providing high-quality content about optics and outdoor activities. This website is owned by Miqdad, a passionate optics lover with over 16 years of experience in the field.

Owner of opticsocean

Miqdad has a degree in Optics and has dedicated his life to exploring and sharing his knowledge about optics and outdoor activities. As I have spent years seeing distant objects like shining stars with binoculars, I understand the importance of quality optics in enhancing the outdoor experience.

I am also an accomplished content writer with a passion for creating engaging and informative content. I write all the content on Optics Ocean and work tirelessly to ensure that the information provided is accurate, up-to-date, and relevant.

In addition to Miqdad, Optics Ocean has a team of three dedicated individuals who work tirelessly to provide our readers with the best possible content. Our team is committed to delivering high-quality articles, reviews, and guides that are informative, engaging, and entertaining.

Introduction of my Proud Team

In the section below, I will introduce you to my team who works to ensure that our respected readers get pure value

1- Waleed – Technical Whiz

At Optics Ocean, we take website security very seriously. That’s why we are proud to have Waleed as our dedicated security expert. Waleed is an experienced professional who has a passion for keeping our website secure and running smoothly.

Waleed has an extensive background in website security and user experience. He understands the importance of creating a secure environment for our readers and visitors, and he works tirelessly to ensure that our website is safe from threats such as hacking attempts, malware, and other security vulnerabilities.

In addition to his security expertise, Waleed also has a deep understanding of user experience. He knows that a smooth user experience is crucial for the success of any website, and he works hard to ensure that nothing hinders the smooth user experience of our readers and visitors.

2- Muhammad Ali – Graphics Expert

Muhammad Ali is a highly skilled graphic expert who manages the graphics of the Optics Ocean website. With his expertise in design, he creates visually appealing and engaging graphics that enhance the overall user experience.

Ali is responsible for producing photos, graphics, infographics, and other visual representations that effectively convey the website’s message. He is dedicated to creating graphics that not only look great but also communicate information clearly and effectively.

Muhammad Ali’s attention to detail and creative approach to graphic design makes him an invaluable asset to the Optics Ocean team. He is passionate about his work and is always exploring new techniques and technologies to improve the quality of the graphics he produces.

3- Ahmad – Content Researcher

Ahmad is an essential member of our team at Optics Ocean, working as a Content Researcher. He is responsible for finding and researching evergreen topics that can solve the problems of our readers. Ahmad has a keen eye for identifying relevant and valuable topics that our readers would be interested in.

One of the unique aspects of Ahmad’s content strategy is that he focuses on finding evergreen topics. These are topics that remain relevant and valuable to our readers, even long after they are published. By targeting evergreen topics, Ahmad ensures that our content continues to attract readers and provide value to them for years to come.

In addition to finding topics, Ahmad also assists in the content creation process. He works closely with our writers to help them research and develop their articles, ensuring that they are accurate, informative, and engaging.

4- Maimoona – Proof-Reader

Maimoona is an essential member of our team who plays a vital role in ensuring the quality of the content that we produce. She has a passion for writing and is committed to delivering high-quality content that is engaging, informative, and error-free.

As a content checker, Maimoona carefully reviews every piece of content that Miqdad writes before it goes live on our platform. Her attention to detail is unmatched, and she has an excellent eye for catching errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Maimoona also ensures that the content is easy to read and flows smoothly, making it accessible and engaging for our readers.

Maimoona’s love of language extends beyond her role as a content checker. She is an accomplished writer herself and has a wealth of experience in writing articles, blog posts, and other types of content. Her writing is engaging, informative, and well-researched, and she brings this same level of expertise to her work as a content checker.

Who writes content on Optics Ocean?

The content on Optics Ocean is primarily written by Miqdad, the owner of the website. Miqdad conducts extensive research for each piece of content and draws from his own experience and expertise in optics, particularly with binoculars.

Miqdad uses binoculars extensively in his stargazing and astronomical activities and is passionate about sharing his knowledge and experience with others. He strives to provide unique and informative content that is both engaging and useful for readers.

How does Miqdad write the content?

Miqdad is an experienced content writer who produces engaging and informative articles for our platform. He begins the writing process by conducting thorough research on the topic he wants to cover.

This research involves using a variety of resources, including YouTube videos, online forums, and communities, and talking to other outdoor enthusiasts. He also draws on his own extensive experience in the field of outdoor activities (stargazing at the top), which adds a unique perspective to his writing.

Once he has gathered all the necessary information, Miqdad begins to write. His writing style is user-friendly and easy to understand, making his articles accessible to readers of all levels of expertise. He puts a lot of effort into making his content interesting and engaging, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the topic at hand.

Once Miqdad completes writing the article, he then sends it to Maimoona, who checks the content from a quality point of view, and ensure that no grammar mistake remains in the article. After her approval, the article was finally published by Miqdad on Opticsocean.com

I really like using outdoor tools for a long time. Since I was a kid, I loved nature a lot. That’s why I started using binoculars to see cool things outside. I used to go on my balcony to look at the stars with my binoculars, and that’s how I became a stargazer.

Looking at faraway stars helps me feel close to nature and see how amazing the world is. This website is for people who, like me, really love stars and space. You can learn simple and useful stuff about tools like binoculars here.

It doesn’t matter if you like stars, eclipses, or faraway planets. This website has all the info you need. The main idea is to help you learn how to see these cool things in the sky. That’s what this website is all about. I made this platform to share my experience with newbie stargazers and explorers!