Are Binoculars Bad for Your Eyes? Debunking the Myths!

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Binoculars are the most used optics tools as they allow us to get up close and personal with objects that are far away. But with all the benefits that binoculars provide, some people wonder if using them is bad for your eyes. Are you one of those who remain in doubt about their negative impact on the eyes?

So, are binoculars bad for your eyes or they can hurt you?  No, binoculars seem to have no bad impact on your eyes: if you use them properly and take a break while using them, they are not going to harm you. However, if you keep using them for hours without taking breaks then your eyes may get strained and irritating pain.

At first glance, it might seem that binoculars would be harmful to your eyes. But don’t worry as their usage is quite safe for your eyes, as long as they are used properly. In this guide, I will discuss everything in detail.

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Can binoculars affect your eyesight if used incorrectly?

As said earlier, using binoculars properly is not going to help you at all. If you take breaks while using binos then you will be fine and won’t get any sort of eye strain. 

But the issue comes when you don’t use them the proper way – instead, go with the wrong approach.  When you use them incorrectly, binoculars can cause eye strain, headaches, and even permanent damage to your eyes.

The most common way that binoculars can harm your eyesight is by causing eye strain. I have noticed this issue is common among those people who use binos without taking short breaks. 

When you use binos and focus on a distant object, it requires a lot of effort from your eye muscles. If you continue to use binoculars without taking breaks, your eye muscles will become fatigued and strained. However, taking a small break can keep this issue away.

There are some possible reasons that can cause eye problems – they can be either temporary issues or permanent problems. Let me explain them to you.

1- Using Out of alignment or uncollimated optics

One common mistake that people make when using binoculars is using out-of-alignment or uncollimated optics. This is bad as you will feel pain and irritation in your eyes when you use such uncollimated binoculars.

Don’t you know what actual collimation is? Binoculars consist of two optical systems or barrels. For the binoculars to function correctly, both optical systems must be aligned and adjusted so that the images seen through each eye are perfectly synchronized. This alignment process is called collimation.

If the optical systems are out of alignment or uncollimated, the images seen through each eye will be slightly different, causing your brain to work harder to fuse the two images into one. This extra effort can lead to eye strain, headaches, and even double vision.

Using binoculars with improper collimation is not good for the eyes. In fact the prolonged use of uncollimated binoculars can cause more severe eye problems, such as amblyopia (lazy eye) or strabismus (crossed eyes).

2- Misadjusted diopter level

The diopter adjustment is a feature on binoculars that allows you to customize the focus for each eye individually. Every time you use binoculars, make sure to adjust it correctly as misadjusted diopter levels can cause eye strain and fatigue.

Keep in mind that when you use binoculars with a misadjusted diopter level, then your eyes have to work harder which will lead to eye fatigue and strain. This can be especially true for people who have different levels of eyesight in each eye.

3- Already Eyesight Problems

When it comes to binoculars, there are some misconceptions about their impact on our eyesight. Let me be clear that they don’t cause any problems: however, there are certain situations when you don’t use them properly they surely cause issues.

Suppose, you already have weak vision, and due to this, you wear glasses. But using binoculars without glass despite the fact you have weak vision is not good practice and you will start feeling the pain and itchiness in your eyes.

binoculars are safe to use as long as they are used properly. I recommend you use binoculars by wearing glasses if you have weak eyesight. This prevents the headache, and strain in your eyes.

Precaution – How to avoid harming your eyes while using binoculars?

Our eyes are one of the most delicate parts of our body, and it is essential to take proper care of them when using binos to prevent any damage or harm. So, In the section below, I will talk about how you can protect your eyes while using binoculars properly.

1- Choose the Right Binoculars

First of all, make sure that you choose the right pair of binoculars. In choosing binos, there are a few important factors to consider in order to avoid causing harm to your eyes.

  • Go with decent magnification power like 8x or 10x. When you use binoculars with very high magnification power, then you have stable visuals that are insatiable. Keep in mind that it is hard to focus on the shaky visuals and you will end up getting pain.
  • I recommend you look for binoculars that are designed with features to reduce eye strain and fatigue such as anti-glare coatings, adjustable eyecups, and ergonomic designs that are designed to fit comfortably in your hands.
  • Choose binoculars that come with an ideal eye relief of 15 mm or greater than that. Keep in mind that those binoculars that come with compromised eye relief usually don’t offer a perfect viewing experience.

2- Don’t look at the sun directly

When using binoculars, it’s important to remember that your eyes are extremely sensitive to light, especially when you’re looking directly at the sun. So when you look at the sun directly, the bright rays of the sun can cause severe damage to your eyes, including blindness. 

Keep in mind that Binoculars don’t give you the visuals of brighter sun, so I recommend you not to use them to see the sun directly.

3- Misalignment issue

Many people, especially those who are new to optics, face one common problem which is misalignment. When the lenses of binoculars are not properly aligned, they can cause a variety of issues that can be harmful to your eyes. 

If you use binoculars with improper alignment of lenses for extended duration then chances are high that you will start feeling the pain and headache. Before you use bins, make sure that it has perfectly aligned lenses.

Myth about Binocular Vision Dysfunction (BVD)

Have you ever heard that using binoculars can damage your eyes or lead to Binocular Vision Dysfunction (BVD)? I am sure that you’ve heard this at some stage if you are a passionate outdoor enthusiast who uses binoculars more often.

If so, you’re not alone. I also have heard this myth. I still remember my grandfather who is no longer with us now used to tell me not to use binoculars too much as they can cause BVD. This myth has been around for decades, but the truth is, there is no evidence to support it.

Do you know what actually BVD is? It is a condition where both eyes are not able to work together properly, resulting in double vision, eye strain, headaches, and other symptoms. Most of the time, it is caused by trauma, infections, or neurological disorders.

In fact, I have noticed that binoculars are actually helpful for people with BVD. They can improve depth perception and reduce eye strain by allowing both eyes to work together more efficiently. It is nothing: but just a crap myth that binos cause BVD.

Is it harmful to the eyes to use binoculars every day?

So, can binoculars hurt your eyes if you use them daily? The short answer is no, they are not harmful to your eyes when used properly. In fact, their daily usage is also not bad. I have been using them for years: and never had any issues at all. 

However, as with any tool, improper use can lead to problems. In the section above, I have explained the improper usage of binoculars so you should be careful while using binoculars. 

While using binoculars make sure that your binoculars follow the guidelines:

  • They should be properly & perfectly adjusted to your eyesight. This can lead to double vision, eye strain, and headaches. 
  • They should be of high quality and have better coatings, better glass, and better overall construction, leading to sharper and clearer images. This can reduce eye strain and make for a more enjoyable viewing experience.

Can binoculars hurt your eyes if they are out of alignment?

Yes, if your binoculars are out-of-alignment, it can cause eye strain and discomfort, but it is unlikely to cause permanent damage to your eyes.

Using binos that are out of alignment can cause discomfort in your eyes. However, these symptoms can be easily remedied by realigning your binoculars or taking a break from using them. 

I recommend you use binoculars correctly to avoid unnecessary eye strain. Properly aligned binoculars will enhance your vision and allow you to enjoy the outdoors without any negative effects on your eyes.


Are you still confused? I am sure that you’re not as I have explained everything in complete detail and nothing has remained uncovered. Binoculars no matter how long you use are not bad for your eyes. Just make sure that you use them properly and don’t get any sort of pain or itching. I have explained all the factors that could cause you some discomfort. I hope that this guide will be useful for you.

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