Binoculars Magnification Chart: Detailed Explanation!

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In the previous guide, I explained everything about the numbers which are used to explain the binoculars. Magnification power, objective lens size, and the field of view – everything was explained briefly. But this guide is going to be more specific.

Magnification power is something which is the most important thing. In fact, we use binoculars to see the magnified visuals of the target. So, I have decided to write this whole article around the binoculars magnification chart and give you complete information about it.

Related: What Does 25X70 Mean in Binoculars?

What is Magnification Power in Binoculars?

Magnification power is actually the ability of the binoculars to magnify the image of the object that you want to see. When you point binoculars toward any target, and see through the barrels, you see magnified visuals of that specific target. This happens due to the magnification power of binoculars.

Magnification power defines how big an image you will see through the barrel of binoculars. If you choose 8x magnification, you will see an 8 times bigger image of the target, and if you choose 10x, you will see a 10x bigger image through the barrel of binoculars.

Image that gives comparison of 8x and 10x magnification - Easy to understand

Let me explain the magnification power in more simple words. Usually, when you see the box of binoculars, you see two numbers separated by Alphabet ‘X’. Have you noticed that? For example, 10×50, 10×42, 8×50 etc. 

The first number which is present before the X indicates the magnification power. For example, if you have 10×50 binoculars, the 10x will be magnification which means that your binos will give you a ten times bigger image of the targeted object.

Similarly, if you have 8×50 binoculars, it means that your binoculars have a magnification power of 8x. So, you will be able to see an eight times bigger image of the targeted object. Is it clear? The second number represents the objective lens size, but let’s keep things specific to magnification power.

How does Binoculars magnify the image?

I have already written a complete article on the working of binoculars. However, I would give you a small overview of how they actually magnify the images. The objective lens of binoculars captures the light and sends inverted images to the prisms.

These prisms re-print the image and then send these images in the form of a light beam to the eyepiece. There are lenses in the eyepiece which magnify the image. But the question might pop up in your mind about how the eyepiece magnifies the image.

Look, the eyepiece is a convex lens thicker in the center but thinner from the edges. The light beam from prims comes at the center of these convex lenses. This convex lens converges all the light at one point. Due to the convergence of this light at the single point, you notice a bigger image through the barrel.

Keep in mind that the degree of magnification depends on the curvature and focal length of the eyepiece lens. I hope that this answer will clarify all of your questions. This is how you can magnify the image of the targeted object.

Binoculars Magnification Power Chart

It is time to talk about the magnification chart. Look, in the past, there were very limited magnification options available in the binoculars. However, things have changed over time. Nowadays, many magnification options are available in the binoculars which make them suitable for different outdoor activities. 

Types of Magnification Power

As I said earlier, different magnification powers are available. Let me explain some popular magnification powers so that you can get an idea of how versatile binoculars can be when they consist of different magnification powers.

8x Magnification Power

Comparison of image with naked eye and with 8x magnification comparison for understand the 8x magnification

8x magnification binoculars provide you with eight times bigger visuals of the targeted object. For example, if the target is 800 yards away from you. By using 8x magnification binoculars, you’ll be able to see the object if it is just 100 yards away. 

10x Magnification Power

Comparison of image with naked eye and with 10x magnification comparison for understand the 10x magnification

10 magnification binoculars are slightly more powerful than the 8x magnification power. With the 10x magnification, you will be able to see a ten times bigger image of the target object. Suppose your target is 100 meters away from you, by using these binoculars, you will be able to see the target as if it were just 10 meters away from you.

It is important to note that 10x magnification power binoculars are one of the most common and popular among outdoor enthusiast as it allows you to see everything closely. You get optimal range with 10x magnification binoculars.

12X Magnification Power

Comparison of image with naked eye and with 12x magnification comparison for understand the 12x magnification

This is considered powerful magnification in the binoculars and is usually used for those outdoor activities where you aim to see the target which is very far away. 12x magnification indicates that you will be able to see a twelve times bigger image of the targeted object. 

In the above section, I have given three different images that show 8x, 10x, and 12x magnification power. It will help you understand the magnification power in detail.

Other Magnification Powers

The above-mentioned 8x, 10x, and 12x magnification powers are the most popular ones, and many people use them for their outdoor expeditions. However, there are many other binoculars that have more powerful magnification.

They are not really popular, but they are still being used for passionate outdoor activities. For example, 15x magnification, 20x magnification 30x magnification, etc. Binoculars with greater magnification powers are usually used for stargazing and astronomy.

Relation of Magnification and Performance of Binoculars

Magnification power is one of the most important factors that makes binoculars useful, or ordinary. In fact, different magnification powers make the binoculars suitable for different outdoor activities. But the question is how does the magnification affect or influence the performance of binoculars? Let’s go into the details.

1- Field of View

If you have ever used binoculars in your life, you would already know what is the field of view. However, it is the area or region you see through the barrels of the binoculars. It is directly related to the magnification power of the binoculars.

When you choose the binos with higher magnification power, then you get a compromised or shorter field of view. On the other hand, when you use binoculars with lower magnification, then you get a wider field of view. 

Magnification Power = 1 / field of view

But the question might come into your mind, why is FOV important?

Well, activities such as hunting require you to find the buck. When you have a wider field of view, you get to see more space or area through the barrels of binoculars. It becomes easier for you to track, and locate the buck.

But if you have binoculars with higher magnification power, then your FOV gets compromised. So, finding the buck becomes harder. To be honest, the field of view is important for hunting and bird watching. If you are choosing binoculars for stargazing etc then the field of view is not really important.

2- Image Shakiness

This is one of the most important aspects which should never be overlooked. Those binoculars that come with higher magnification power usually offer shaky visuals. The reason is that the higher magnification makes the binoculars very sensitive to small movements of hands.

So, when we use these binoculars by holding them in our hands the slight movement of our hands makes the visuals very shaky due to the sensitivity of the binoculars. On the other hand, the binoculars with lower magnification offer stable visuals no matter if you keep them while using the binoculars.

Key Takeaways: You should use the mid-range magnification power so that you can get a wider field of view and stable visuals. Keep in mind that powerful magnification is not always good. By using the powerful binos, you get shaky visuals as well as a compromised field of view.

Connection Between Outdoor Activities and Binoculars’ Magnification Power

If you have read the previous article, you would know that I have mentioned many times that each outdoor activity requires its own magnification power in the binoculars. It means that each magnification power actually makes the binoculars suitable for any specific outdoor activities. In the section below, I will go into the details, and explain which binoculars magnification is good for what activities. 

1- Birds Watching

Birds watching or observing is the most popular outdoor fun that many people love. Getting detailed visuals of the birds with naked eyes is literally impossible especially if you are far away from the birds. This is where 8x magnification binoculars help you see the birds closely.

The 8x magnification binoculars offer a wider field of view so that you see everything with detail. You won’t face any image shakiness. Usually, we see birds while moving our hands or walking. So, the 8x magnification power will give you stable visuals even if you keep walking or moving your hands while watching the birds.

2- Hunting

Hunting is a popular activity, and profession for many people. 10x magnification binoculars are considered ideal for hunting as they allow you to see a closer view of the buck. In fact, you can stay very far away from the buck, and keep tracking so that you know the exact location of the buck.

In professional hunting, finding the target is a big issue. Especially if you hunt in low-light conditions, with these binoculars, you will be able to track the animal, and then shoot when it is in your range. It saves you the hassle of moving behind the buck or stalking. You can sit at one place or tree, and keep tracking the buck with 10x magnification.

3- Hiking/backpacking

In hiking, you definitely need binoculars to see the path and ensure that you walk in the correct direction and path. So, I consider 8x magnification as an ideal option for hiking or backpacking. The reason is that they will provide you with enough viewing range, and offer no shakiness in the visuals.

4- Stargazing/Astronomy

As I mentioned earlier, the powerful magnification powers binoculars are needed for viewing distant objects. In stargazing or astronomy, you also see objects which are very far away from you. Seeing the details of those targets with the naked eye is literally impossible. So, you will need higher magnification power binos such as 20x or even more than that. 

The bigger the magnification you choose for stargazing, the closer the images you will get. However, the higher magnification binos will give you shaky visuals. So, make sure that you use a tripod stand with these strong magnification binoculars to get perfectly stable visuals

5- Concerts, Sports Events

Usually, in concerts, and sports events, you will need binoculars with mid-range magnification power binoculars such as 8x or 10x. Don’t even make the mistake of choosing higher-magnification binoculars. The reason is that the higher magnification binos will ruin your fun by giving you shaky visuals. 

Magnification Chart for Different Activities

ActivityMagnification Power
Bird Watching8x
Wildlife/Whale Watching8x, 10x
Sporting Events6x, 7x
Stargazing/Astronomy20x or more than that

What is the Best Magnification in Binoculars?

Well, telling about which magnification is ideal is not easy – as it majorly depends on your purpose of purchase. In the section above, I have given a table that shows which binocular magnification is going to be ideal for what activities. You should check that too.

However, 8x, and 10x magnifications are the most used – and popular among the users. I can say that these magnifications make the binoculars versatile, and you will be able to use the binoculars for almost all sorts of outdoor activities except stargazing, and astronomy.

So, I consider 8x, and 10x as the best magnification. However, you should keep in mind that each outdoor activity requires its own type of magnification. 20x magnification won’t be good for birding, but it would be ideal for astronomy. So, you should consider the activity for which you are purchasing the binoculars.


Magnification power is one of the most important factors in binoculars that should never be overlooked. In this article, I have given you a complete binoculars magnification chart so that it becomes easier for you to understand the magnification power and its purpose. With the hope that this guide will add value to your life, I am stopping. If you have any questions, ask in the comment section.

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