What Does 100X180 Binoculars Mean? Detailed Explanation!

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Binoculars are useful tools – but understanding them is a bit tricky. One of the binocular specifications is 100×180, and many people don’t understand what it actually means. But don’t worry as this guide will remove all your confusions

In 100×180 binoculars, you get a magnification power of 100x and an objective lens size of 180mm which makes these binoculars powerful, and ideal to be used for stargazing, and astronomy.

If you are new to optics, don’t worry. In this guide, I will talk about the 100×180 binoculars in detail, and help you understand the meanings of these binoculars. Let’s get started!

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Meanings of 100X180 Binoculars 

If you have read my previous guides, I have already guided you about those numbers used in binoculars. But this is going to be more specific to the 100×180 binoculars. 

The first number which is 100 represents the magnification power of these binoculars. It means that you will be able to see 100 times bigger visuals of the targeted object which makes these binoculars super powerful.

The second number in our concerned specification is 180mm which is indicative of the objective lens size. It means that these binoculars are super heavier and bulkier in size. However, performs ideally in lowlight conditions.

There could not be any simpler explanation for the specification of these binoculars. They have 100x magnification power and 180mm of objective lens size which make them super powerful. If you are still confused about the meaning of these numbers, ask in the comment section.

Significance of the Numbers in 100×180 binoculars

The numbers are very important as they tell us the importance and significance of these binoculars. Usually, when you go into the optics market, these specifications and numbers are something that help you understand the purpose of binoculars.

By reading the specification of 100×180 binos, you will automatically understand that these binoculars are excellent for stargazing, and long-range viewing in lowlight conditions. 180 mm of objective lens size is considered ideal for capturing the light from the surroundings.

The magnification of 100x ensures that you will be able to see the distant object closely. Without these numbers, you won’t be able to understand the purpose, functionality, and specialty of these binoculars.

How Far Can You See with 100X180 Binoculars?

With these binoculars, you will be able to see up to several miles away, however, it is not feasible for me to tell you about the exact range or viewing limit of these 100×180 binoculars. These binoculars are usually considered ideal for long-range.

As you know, the viewing range of binoculars usually consists of different factors such as light conditions, weather, and wind speed. However, many stargazers and hobbyists who love to see stars consider these binoculars suitable for stargazing.

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What Are 100×180 Binoculars Good For?

As numbers suggest, these 100×180 binoculars are super powerful, and an excellent option for someone who aims to view distant objects like shining stars, etc. They have a magnification of 100x which makes these binoculars ideal for stargazing and astronomy.

If you have ever used binoculars to view the stars, you would have an idea that the objective lens or aperture size matters a lot for stargazing. These binoculars offer bigger, objective lens sizes of 180mm which make them ideal to capture more light.

Stargazing is done in low-light conditions. So having binoculars with bigger objective lens size and capturing more light is a must. These 100×180 fulfill the criteria to be considered an ideal option for stargazing. Their higher magnification power and objective lens size ensure you won’t be disappointed while using them to explore the dark sky.

Are  100×180 Binoculars Serve the Purpose?

Yes, actually, these binoculars are made for stargazing. So, their higher magnification, and the bigger sized objective lens size surely make them an ideal option for stargazing and mature astronomy. 

However, not everything is good in these binoculars. Although I believe that these binoculars are suitable for what has been made. But still, there are a few drawbacks that you should keep in mind to ensure that you don’t face any issues or don’t make wrong decisions.

Limitations of 100×180 Binoculars 

As I have said in the previous guides everything has two aspects, positive and negative. There are few drawbacks that you will face if you buy or use these 100×180 binoculars. In the section below, I will mention those cons so that you make a well-informed decision.

  • As you know these binos offer 180 mm of the objective lens, which means that these binoculars will be heavier, and bigger in size. Using the bigger binos for extended duration would be hard if you use them while holding in your hands instead of using a tripod stand.
  • The field of view is another thing you will be compromised in these binoculars. In my previous guides, I have mentioned that the field of view and the magnification are opposite, and inversely proportional to each other. As these binoculars offer 100x magnification so you will get a very compromised field of view.
  • Image shakiness is another issue that you will face if you buy these 100×180 scope. But this issue can be solved if you use a tripod stand. It is also important to note that the stargazers usually use tripod stands as the higher magnification binoculars don’t give stable visuals if you hold them in your hands. The reason is that these binos are very sensitive to small movements of hands.

So, it’s up to you – my job was to provide you with all the necessary information, however, you will have to decide whether these binoculars are good for you or not. 

If you are a stargazer or hobbyist who loves to see distant objects, then I suggest you give these binos a try and use them for stargazing. However, these binoculars are any good for different outdoor activities such as bird watching, hunting, and hiking. They are only suitable for astronomy, and stargazing.

Are 100 X 180 Specifications Common?

Not really, these binoculars are very powerful, however, they are not really common. The reason is that these binoculars are only useful for stargazing, but they don’t offer excellent performance when used for different outdoor activities. 

The reason is that people usually prefer binoculars which can be used for multiple outdoor activities. For example if you buy 10×50 binoculars, then you can use them for bird watching, hunting, and even hiking. 

But when it comes to these 100×180 binoculars, their usability is quite limited. Due to this limitation of usability, very specific people (stargazers) buy them and use them for their hobbies. However, these binos cannot be used for hunting, or other activities.

Infact, these 100×180 binoculars are so heavy that you won’t be able to use them for a longer time if you don’t have a tripod stand. Usage of tripod is fine for stargazers, but tripod cannot be used when it comes to birds watching, or hunting. This is why these binoculars are not really common.


In case you have any questions, feel free to ask: and I will be quick to answer those. These binoculars are super powerful which is their strength. They are ideal to be used for stargazing, but they are not a good option to have in your daily routine. With the hope that my efforts behind writing this guide would be helpful for you, I am stopping writing.

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