Why Are Binoculars Not Allowed in Egypt? Are they Banned?

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Have you ever wondered why binoculars are not allowed in Egypt? This question might sound peculiar at first, but it does puzzle many travelers who want to explore Egypt’s ancient sites. Many people around the world travel to Egypt especially those who have special affection for the ancient histories.

Remember that Egypt is home to some of the most well-known archaeological monuments in the world, such as the Valley of the Kings, the Sphinx, and the Pyramids. However, a lot of travelers usually have to turn over their binoculars to officials when they are detained at airports. Actually, this is applied uniformly to all travelers. 

But why are binoculars not allowed in Egypt? Binos are not allowed in Egypt to prevent espionage, vandalism, and illegal photography. Authorities believe that binoculars can be used for spying and some ill-intentioned travelers can take illegal advantage by using binoculars to breach the security protocols.

This was a brief introduction, However, I have got a lot more information to ensure that my readers get satisfying details. In case you’re going to Egypt, I suggest you read the whole guide so that you don’t remain confused. Let’s get started!

Related Article: Are Binoculars Allowed in Sports Stadiums?

Reasons Behind the Ban on Binoculars in Egypt

The major reason why binoculars are not allowed in Egypt is primarily due to concerns over security and safety. The government of Egypt takes the protection of its historical sites and artifacts seriously, and any form of unauthorized activity is not tolerated. As bino can be used for spying: so they are banned in Egypt.

Although binos are popular among travelers due to their magnifying capabilities,, I personally believe that the binos can be used as a potential tool for espionage, and authorities fear that individuals, especially those who have ill intentions will use them to survey and plan illegal activities in Egypt.

In the below section, I am going to list some potential reasons why the authorities have banned the usage of binoculars:

  • The primary reason behind the ban on binoculars in Egypt is security concerns.  In the past binoculars have been used by spies to monitor the movements of the army, police, and other government officials. By having a closer view of the target and police officers, terrorists can plan for something unwanted which is not in the public interest.
  • Another reason why binoculars are not allowed in certain areas of Egypt is to prevent wildlife poaching. Not to forget that Egypt is home to many rare and endangered species of birds and animals, and poachers often use binoculars to locate their prey. 
  • Binoculars have been used to engage in inappropriate behavior in public places. Tourists and locals alike have been found using binoculars to invade the privacy of others. For the larger public interest, the officials have banned the usage of binos. 
  • There are many sunbathers and bathers at the beach. So, the authorities want everyone to have freedom. But someone can use binoculars to see others while bathing. So, the government has banned the use of binoculars in certain public places.

Why Can’t You Use Binoculars Near Military Installations & the Suez Canal in Egypt?

In the section above, I explained why binos are banned in Egypt. But let’s go into more detail and be specific about the military installation and Suez Canal located in Egypt. In the section below, I will be talking about some places: military installations and the Suez Canal in Egypt are two such places where the use of binoculars is prohibited.

Military installations are highly sensitive areas where the country’s national security is at stake. So, they are heavily guarded, and everything there is monitored strictly.  The use of binoculars near military installations can be viewed as a potential threat. 

The spies can use binoculars to get a closer view and then steal the information that can be used by terrorists or enemy forces to plan attacks or sabotage operations. So, the usage of binos near the military installation is prohibited and banned.

The Suez Canal in Egypt is a vital trade route connecting Europe and Asia. It is one of the busiest waterways in the world. But the disruption or anything else can leave a destructive impact.  

So, the usage of binos is not allowed to be used there as they can be used to gather information about the ships passing through the canal, such as their cargo and nationality. Imagine this information about the cargo etc goes to the pirate! They can use this sensitive information to plan attacks or hijackings. 

Also Read: Are Binoculars Bad for Your Eyes?

Are Binoculars Confiscated at Airports in Egypt?

One thing that I can tell you with confidence is that binos have become must-haves for travelers. In the backpack of travel, you will definitely see one pair of binoculars. But If you’re planning a trip to Egypt, then carrying binos won’t be allowed the way you carry them to another country.

Many travelers are concerned about the safety of their gear when passing through airport security. So, are binoculars confiscated at airports in Egypt? Well, it depends on rules and regulations, however, binoculars are not typically confiscated at airports in Egypt. But if you don’t cooperate with security personnel and follow the instructions, then chances are that the authorities will confiscate the binoculars at the airport in Egypt.

However, you should always make sure that all items you bring with you on a flight must comply with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) regulations. This includes binoculars, which are considered carry-on items. 

Not to forget any item that could be perceived as a weapon is strictly prohibited in your carry-on or checked luggage. But, binoculars are not considered a weapon, and therefore, they are generally permitted. You should keep binos in your hands and get them checked by the airport security so that they don’t think that you’re hiding something from them.

By seeing,  If security guards believe that an item could pose a threat to the safety of the aircraft, they will confiscate it. But rest assured that binoculars are mostly allowed and they won’t be confiscated unless you commit any foolish act and make yourself and your binos doubtful.

How to Use a Binocular in Egypt? – Useful Tip

One thing that I recommend you don’t do is to carry binoculars at the airport as there are chances that the airport security might confiscate your optics. Instead, I recommend you buy them from Egypt and use them. There are many optics stores in Egypt where you can buy binoculars at affordable prices.

It will help you avoid the risks of getting binoculars confiscated. You will be able to buy them from Egypt and then use them without any problem. However, when visiting ancient monuments, make sure that you talk to the security guards and ask for permission. 

Keep in mind that when you show your binos to the guards, and request them that you want to get closer to view buildings and monuments, they are more likely to give you permission because it will help them understand that you are not a spy.


So, I have gone into the details, and given you all the ins and outs of carrying and using binoculars in Egypt. There are certain reasons that force the authorities to ban the usage of binoculars and if you’re planning to visit Egypt, you will also face the ban. 

I recommend you follow and respect the rules: because they are meant to protect you and other travelers. With the hope that my efforts in writing this blog post will be hopeful for you, I am signing off! See you again.

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