Why Do Binoculars Have Red Lenses? (Answered)

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Binoculars have become must-haves for almost all outdoor activities. Advanced technologies have been introduced which have surely improved the visual quality.  Due to the advancement of technology, many brands use red lenses in their binoculars which make them look attractive and perform better.

But the question is why do binoculars have red lenses? Optics brands use red lenses in the binoculars to improve the visual quality, color contrast, and sharpness in lowlight conditions. Manufacturers apply ruby coating on the lenses that make the lenses look red.

It is very interesting to note that the ruby or red coating on lenses was originally developed by Steiner Optics, but now it has become standard for almost all the optics brands. In this guide, you’ll learn everything about these red lenses.

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Why Do Binoculars Have Red Lenses?

There are several myths and misconceptions surrounding the use of red lenses in binoculars. Many people believe that red lenses are not useful — and the manufacturers are just using them to make the binoculars look attractive.

Well, this is true – but it won’t be wrong if I say that they are only used for increasing the sharpness and attraction of lenses. Actually, these red lenses improve the performance of binoculars. Those binos that have ruby coating will offer better color contrast and optimal lowlight usability.

Not only do the red lenses improve lowlight usability, but this coating is also beneficial in reducing glare and improving contrast, making it easier to see details in different lighting conditions.

Benefits of Red Lenses

Apart from making the binoculars look more eye catchy and attractive, these red lenses offer several benefits that make them a popular choice for binoculars. In the section below, I will go into depth and explain the benefits that you get by using binoculars with red lenses.

1- Better Color Contrast

Red lenses improve contrast by filtering out the red light in the image. This makes the blues and greens stand out more, resulting in a sharper and clearer image. 

If you have experience using binoculars in low light, then you will agree with me that the red color in the visuals looks more prominent than the blue or green colors which makes the visuals a bit out of balance. 

But if you use binoculars that have a ruby coating, then this coating will filter out the impact of red color in the visuals. So, you’ll get an image with better color balance without any glare or irregular sharpness. It won’t be wrong to say that the red coating present on lenses improves the performance of binos in lowlight conditions.

2- Brighter Image

Red lenses allow more light to enter the eye, resulting in a brighter image. The reason is that the red light has a longer wavelength than blue or green light. 

So, when this light when strikes with lenses, it easily passes through the lens and enters your eyes. It is why some manufacturers coat their optics with a brighter red to cover up for their cheap quality binoculars.

3- Lower Level of Distortion

Red lenses have a lower level of distortion than other colors. As I said earlier red light usually has longer wavelengths so it does not get affected by environmental conditions i-e haze, fog, or smog. You tend to see better visuals even when the weather or environmental conditions are not supportive.

Are Red-Coated Binoculars Lenses Good for Hunting?

Yes, the red-coated lenses optimal option in binoculars that are supposed to be used for hunting. Keep in mind that the red coating is designed to enhance contrast and reduce glare, making it easier to spot prey in low-light conditions.

However, not all hunters agree on whether red-coated binocular lenses are good or not. They believe that the red coating is applied on binoculars to improve their overall outlook and attraction.

But, actually, red lenses are helpful in both ways:

  • They enhance the looks of binoculars.
  • They also help to filter out blue and green light, which can make it easier to see in low light conditions. 

Here are some pros and cons of using red-coated binocular lenses for hunting:


  • improve contrast and reduce glare in low-light conditions
  • Make it easier to spot prey at dawn or dusk
  • Help to filter out blue and green light


  • Can give images an unnatural green or blue tint

Why Cheap Binoculars Also Use Red Coating on Lenses?

I said earlier in the introduction that the red coating on binocular lenses was initially developed by Steiner Optics to improve the contrast and clarity of binoculars. 

Since the introduction of these beautiful colored lenses binoculars, many movie heroes used these binoculars as they look very eye catchy. These promotions done by movies surely gave these colored lenses good popularity.

But, unfortunately, many other manufacturers have copied the idea of selling binoculars with red, green, or blue coatings that merely serve any purpose. In fact, they use color coatings to make their binoculars look attractive so the customers consider them for buying.

Such cheaper binoculars are not much beneficial as they don’t improve the performance of binoculars. Keep in mind these manufacturers apply a cheaper coating to get an advantage to deceive the customers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do red lenses improve image quality?

Yes, in low light conditions, red lenses surely improve image quality by allowing more light to pass through the binoculars.

Are all red lenses the same?

No, there are different types of red lenses. Some are coated with ruby or red coatings, while others are simply tinted red. I recommend you choose red lenses that have a ruby coating.

Can I use binoculars with red lenses for stargazing?

Yes, red lenses improve visibility in low light conditions, so you will get better visual performance when using such binoculars for stargazing or astronomy.


Red lenses binoculars are surely very beneficial for improving the optical performance of the binoculars. If you don’t know about anything related o red lenses, then don’t worry as I have explained everything in complete detail. I hope that this guide will be a great help.

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